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Gene Wilder: Kiss me like a Stranger

51YT8wKJHkL._SL300_Jeg fikk nyheten om at Gene Wilder var gått bort. I en alder av 83 år. Tiden går så fort.
Mange ganger har jeg frydet meg over hans opptredener på filmlerretet.
Blazing Saddles og See no Evil, Hear no Evil – what can I say.

Til ære for mannen leste jeg denne boken. Den handler om “Love and Art” sier han selv. Han forteller intime detaljer fra sitt liv, om enkelthendelser og tilfeldigheter som fikk følger og ble retningsgivende i livet hans. En lavmælt og personlig fortelling. Ingen stor visdom, ingen sladderhistorier fra Hollywood, men det er ikke vanskelig å få sympati for fortelleren.



At last. At long last.
A new StarTrek movie. I am, and always will be, a nerd. I cannot get enough of this. The entire family attended avidly on opening night. As a matter of course.

It was a thoroughly successful effort. They managed to sow this new patch seamlessly into the fabric of Trek. The Characters were totally believable as younger versions of the cast from the 60ties.

Though I didn´t remember Sulu to be quite so proficient.
And this new Chekov was much more fun.

And what´s with Spock and Uhura ..???

I will now watch the original series with new eyes.


Man on wire

Ég for í bío í gær með Stinu og Sæu. Þökk sé Grænum Biódögum í Háskólabíó.
Áhugaverðar myndir, ekki bara þetta venjulega Hollywood stuff.
Við sáum óscarsverðlaunamyndina Man on Wire. Um Phillipe Petit, línugöngukarlinn, sem gekk á línu milli turnana tvo í New York (blessuð sé minning þeirra)

Undarleg mynd um undarlegan mann. Hann fékk þessa áráttu í hausinn sem krakki að hann ætlaði að gera þetta. Þá var ekki einu sinni búið að byggja turnana.
Það þurfti að skipuleggja atburðinn eins og um meiriháttar bankarán var að ræða. Að koma tonn af græjum óséð upp í báða turnana, strekkja vírinn eftir allra eðlisfræðilegum reglum og leggja svo lífið að veði.

Þetta er sjálfhverfasta manneskja sem ég hef séð.
Enda sátu vinir hans eftir með sárt ennið þegar giggið var afstaðið.
But it was a beautiful heist

Die Welle

I went to the movies yesterday. For the second day in a row. That happens once every ten years or so.
I went with Kristín and we saw the German movie Die Welle.
Based on a true story I believe.
About an experiment made in a German High School. I teacher wanted to teach his students about autocracy by staging an example.
His students, heirs of the Third Reich, believed that autocracy was unthinkable in their modern world. But he managed in the span of one project-week to create a full-blown autocratic group: Die Welle.
An interesting experiment with a dramatic conclution.
You cannot fuck with peoples feelings and social patterns without doing some damage.

A provoking movie.
And you have to ask yourself, is this a German thing? This need to march in line.
I do not see it happening i Iceland. Icelanders being so aggressively individualistic.